History of the name “Americas”
It was an Italian navigator named Americo Vespucci was the first person who realized that the Spain and was a German Woldsemiller was the first cartographer who crew a map of this other continent
Political division: North America
Canada: Ottawa and U.S.A: Washington.
Political division of South America:
Colombia : Bogotá , Ecuador : Quito, Perú : Lima, Bolivia : La Paz, Chile : Santiago, Argentina : Buenos Aires, Uruguay : Montevideo, Paraguay : Asunción, Brazil : Brasilia, Suriname: Paramarimbo, Guyana: Georgetown, Venezuela : Caracas.
Political division of the Caribbean:
Cuba: La Habana, Bahamas: Nassau, Jamaica: Kingston, Haiti: Port-au-Prince, Dominican Republic: Santo Domingo, Antigua and Barbados: Saint Johns, Dominica: Rosseau, Barbados: Bridgetown, Trinidad y Tobago: Port- of-Spain, Grenada: St. Georges, Vincent Degramis: Kingston, ST Lucia, ST. Kits and Neves: Vasater, Basterre: Montserrat.
Political division of America Central
Belize: Belmopan, Guatemala: Guatemala C, Honduras: Tegucigalpa, El Salvador: San Salvador, Nicaragua: Managua, Costa Rica: San José and Panama: Panama C.
Difference between Central America and American Central
That Central America are the five countries that belong to the capitania general de Guatemala and America Central are the 7 countries from the south of Mexico to the north of Colombia.
Anglo America language:
Are English or French
Anglo America religion:
Anglo América economy:
Latin America language:
Spanish and portages
Latin America religion:
Latin America economy:
Picture related to these topics
Sources used to write the post
Bustos, J.(2011). Social studies seventh grade. Cartago: Saint Clare College.
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External link related to these topics:
Social Studies Seventh Grade,Study Guide 1,book.